Profile PictureTzvika Avnery
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Company Name Lookup - A Google Spreadsheet Addon

Given a list of website domains, Company Name Lookup will find the name of the registered company of this domain on the list.

(e.g --> "Whole Foods")

🔔Important - Please make sure to signup with the same email your addon is connected to (Same Google account email). Your purchase will be automatically associated to the email account you made your checkout with. 

🔔🔔 If you selected a bigger plan, please shoot me an email with the confirmation email so I can manually update your account with those extra search credits. 

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Company Name Lookup - Google Spreadsheet Addon. With a Pro account up to 100K matches per month - depending on the plan you selected. [Use the dropdown to select a bigger plan if needed].

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Company Name Lookup - A Google Spreadsheet Addon

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